Trusted Family Dentistry

We are a dental clinic with affordable and reliable family care.

Our Offers

We serve without Insurance!

Obtenga un diagnostico acertado y un tratamiento de calidad tras un examen de Rayos X con un equipo confiable y seguro a un precio asequible por 5 dolares.
X-Ray Examinations
Obtain an accurate diagnosis and quality treatment after an X-ray examination with reliable and safe equipment at an affordable price.
Le hacemos un tratamiento especial y personalizado en coronas por 379 dolares.
A special and personalized crown treatment is one of our best offers to provide stability and improve your oral health.
Frenos desde 79 dolares al mes.
From $79 a Month
Our orthodontic treatments are reliable, safe and with optimal results. Restore your smile and your confidence with us.
Limpieza regular por 99 dolares.
Regular Cleaning
We offer a regular cleaning that will help you maintain good oral health, an incredible result that will leave you feeling fresh and healthy.

We have Financing Options without Credit Necessary!

We are an accessible dental clinic that has the best dentists and a dedicated team to serve family and specialty dentistry.

Our Services

We provide a wide variety of dental services to ensure your smile stays healthy and bright.

Hacemos extracciones de muelas del juicio.
Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure that may be necessary to prevent future dental problems.

Los implantes dentales son una solucion duradera y estetica para reemplazar dientes perdidos.
Dental Implants

Dental implants are a long-lasting and aesthetic solution to replace missing teeth.

Los rellenos dentales son esenciales para restaurar la funcion y apariencia de los dientes.
Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are essential for restoring the function and appearance of teeth damaged by decay.

La limpieza dental regular es fundamental para prevenir enfermedades dentales.
Dental Cleaning

Regular dental cleaning is essential to prevent dental disease and maintain good oral health.

La endodoncia o tratamiento de conducto es necesaria cuando el diente esta infectado.

Endodontics, or root canal treatment, is necessary when the pulp of the tooth is infected or damaged.

La cirugia bucal es un campo especializado dentro de la odontologia que es para diagnosticar quirurgicamente infecciones.
Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is a specialized field within dentistry that focuses on diagnosing and surgically treating various conditions and diseases of the mouth, teeth, gums, and related structures.

Un injerto oseo es un procedimiento quirurgico que reemplaza el hueso faltante en la mandibula con hueso de otra parte de su cuerpo.
Bone Graft

A bone graft is a surgical procedure that replaces missing bone in your jaw with bone from another part of your body, a donor, or synthetic materials.

Las protesis dentales son dispositivos artificiales que se utilizan para reemplazar los dientes perdidos y restaurar tanto la funcion como la apariencia.
Dental Prosthesis

Dental prosthesis are artificial devices used to replace missing teeth and restore both function and appearance.

Los frenos son ortodonticos para corregir la alineacion y posicion de los dientes.
Dental Braces and Orthodontics

We offer orthodontic treatments to correct dental alignment problems and improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Comprehensive Family Dentistry

Our family dentist service is designed to serve patients of all ages, from children to seniors.

We understand the importance of ongoing, personalized dental care for the entire family.

Regular Evaluations
We perform regular dental evaluations to monitor and maintain oral health.
Education and Prevention
We educate our patients on the best practices for oral hygiene and dental disease prevention.
Personalized Treatments
We offer personalized treatments that adapt to the individual needs of each family member.
Zenith Smiles logo.

About Us

We offer a full range of dental services, from family dentistry and dental cleanings to wisdom tooth extractions and dental implants. Our team of experts is committed to providing high-quality care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Healthy smiles for healthy families start with professional family dentistry. At Zenith Smiles, your bright, healthy smile is our top priority. Of course, you will only smile if you are as satisfied with our service as you are with our dental treatment. That's why we take the time to listen to your needs and concerns. Not only do we listen to your concerns, we use gentle and efficient cleaning techniques.

Why Choose Zenith Smiles?

Experience and Professionalism
Our team of highly trained dentists and specialists have years of experience providing high-quality dental care.
Advanced Technology
We use the latest dental technology to offer accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
Personalized Attention
We strive to create a welcoming and comfortable environment, providing personalized care to each patient.
Focus on Patient Education
We believe in the importance of educating our patients about their dental health and best oral hygiene practices.
Wide Range of Services
From regular cleanings and dental fillings to implants and orthodontic treatments, we offer a wide range of services to meet all your dental needs.

Preventive Dental Care

Regular Dental Exams
Regular dental exams are essential to maintaining good oral health. At Zenith Smiles, we recommend semi-annual visits to monitor and prevent dental problems.
Dental Cleaning
Professional dental cleaning removes built-up plaque and tartar that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing at home. This helps prevent cavities and gum disease.
Fluoridation and Dental Sealants
For children and teens, we offer fluoridation treatments and dental sealants to protect teeth from cavities. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, while sealants provide a protective barrier on the chewing surfaces of the molars.

Emergency Dental Care

At our dental clinic we understand that accidents happen and dental emergencies can be stressful. We offer emergency dental care to treat urgent problems such as broken teeth, severe dental pain, or infections.

Our Locations

Map displaying location
1227 West Foothill Boulevard
Upland , CA 91786
Map displaying location
1101 Bryan Ave
Tustin , CA 92780

Family Dentistry
Schedule your appointment now!

10:00am - 5:00pm
9:30am - 4:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 3:00pm

Payment Methods

We accept most insurances, finance and accept Withcherry.